[OpenLayers-Users] Accessing an Offline Tile Store

Arnie Shore ashore3 at verizon.net
Fri Jul 20 07:08:16 PDT 2012

As a  devotee of HTTP-accessed XYZ tiles, let me note that minimal http 
servers exist, sans the resource requirements of high-end servers and 
oriented to embedding requirements.

A search of freecode.com surfaced several.


On 7/20/2012 1:06 AM, Chris W wrote:
> Hello All,
> I've been looking at the possibility of providing an offline map in a Qt
> application.  The QtWebKit component would be used to host an OpenLayers
> page inside the application.  As a first cut I have implemented a basic
> local web server to provide XYZ tile service to an OL layer from local
> mbtiles databases.  This all works, and is more disk-space and
> distribution friendly than using raw tiles on the disk.  It has the
> disadvantage that the desktop app requires a port (multiple ports on
> terminal server machines) and exposes the tile service to external
> access (localhost anyway)
> I had thought of alternate approach that could eliminate the web
> server.  QtWebKit offers a C++ to Javascript bridge that allows js to
> make calls to C++ functions and vice versa.  If the transport for tile
> requests could be replaced with js calls into the C++ the tile service
> code could be subsumed into the C++ widget code and no longer be exposed
> to the outside world.   Inspection of the inheritance hierarch of the
> XYZ layer would seem to indicate an intimate relationship to HTTP... but
> I am a bit of a js neophyte.
> I wonder if the replacement of the OL transport layer for base layer
> tiles retrieval is even possible?  Has something like this been done?
> Regards,
> Chris
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