[OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers.Format.KML problems with styleUrl in KML file

Jürgen Dankoweit Juergen.Dankoweit at T-Online.de
Sat Jun 9 03:16:17 PDT 2012


for displaying hiking routes on my homepage I use KML files for the
route description und some POIs on this route.

OpenLayers displays only the route but does not show any POIs:
http://www.dankoweit.de/cgi-bin/bergtouren.pl?DE;6;0 -> click on

 I have tested the KML files with Google and there everything is shown

Here is the KML file for the route:
Here is the KML file with some globally used symbols for the POIs:

Code snippet:
var pr = new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
 url: '/Bergtouren/Kartenpunkte/' + kartenpunkte,
 format: new OpenLayers.Format.KML({
  extractStyles: true,
  extractAttributes: true,
  maxDepth: 20
if (pr) {
 var natur = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("KML", {
  projection: map.displayProjection,
  metadata : "LAYER_TOUR",
  strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed()],
  protocol: pr

How to solve this problem? I'm using OpenLayers 2.11

Best regards and thanks for the answers


Meine stets unfertige Homepage: www.dankoweit.de

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