[OpenLayers-Users] Incorrect tile order when sending GetMap requests with cookies

Mark Prins mc.prins at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 05:16:14 PDT 2012

2012/6/18 Gis Mage <gismage at gmail.com>:
> Hi list,
> I'm having an issue when trying to GetMap from geoserver, which is a
> partner app for JOSSO auth system.
> I get the response from server, but tiles are shown on the map in the
> wrong order.
> Here's the example:
> Here's the example for 2.12 (master):
> The most strangest thing is that when I inspect div elements of the
> map in firebug, I can see the right tiles in the position, where they
> should be drawn.
> Is this a bug?

Not in OpenLayers, I think your security system is messing things up,
it is sending a 302 redirect and the next response (that contains the
image) has a header
but all succesful WMS requests that have an image have the same
Content-Disposition disposition header so the browser is led to
believe that it's all the same image (for a request thread) so display
is from cache.

Firebug will actually do a new request for the image which is by then
the correct image, when you use the dev. console on chrome you can see
the behaviour displayed.

> How can it be fixed?

You should correct/modify (or remove) the Content-Disposition header
at the server because it contains bogus information (maybe append the
bbox coordinates?). Also you may be able to get openlayers to only
fire one request (untiled WMS, ie. singleTile: true) or a bigger tile
size (tileSize:new OpenLayers.Size(512,512))


This message is just a reflection of what I thought at the time of
sending. The message may contain information that is not intended for
you or that you don't understand.

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