[OpenLayers-Users] OL 2.12 Fixes Part of Canvas Problem

Mike Ryan mr at mry4n.net
Thu Jun 28 09:43:55 PDT 2012

For those following my epic Canvas adventure, OpenLayers 2.12 has fixed 
part of my problem. So, bless all of you who made that new version happen.

Now when I turn off the Canvas layer it is all the way off. I can access 
the layers that were above it (yes, above it), which I should have been 
able to access in the first place. Previously I discovered panning the 
map after shutting off the layer also made the layer completely disappear.

That still leaves the issue of the Canvas layer ignoring its place in 
the stack of layers.

Does anyone know why a Vector layer rendered as a Canvas would block 
events to overlapping layers that are ABOVE it?

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