[OpenLayers-Users] using openlayers with raphael SVG

Norman Khine norman at khine.net
Wed Mar 14 13:05:24 EDT 2012


i would like to use openlayers within the http://map.zmgc.net, i have
just begun to explore OpenLayers, so please excuse me.

basically, currently http://map.zmgc.net uses the raphael javascrip
library to render SVG as a map, i would be interested to know how to
add openlayers so that i can obtain the Lat/Log when you hover the
cursor over the map and be able to output this info.

for example, if i click on the 'person' icon, i would like to get the
Lat/Lon position

i looked at this blog
but as it states at the end,

"Current limitation
We still have to figure a way to forward event between Raphael.js and
OpenLayers, as the Raphael.js context (on top) catch all the DOM

so i am not sure how this would work.

another thing i would like is that once a user is on the 'Country'
page, if you click on the 'Region' i would like to load an OpenLayers
map centered and zoomed to that location.

the code is https://github.com/nkhine/map

any advise is much appreciated.


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