[OpenLayers-Users] Usage control Modify Select

francescoboccacci at libero.it francescoboccacci at libero.it
Thu Mar 22 11:22:21 EDT 2012

Hi all,
i have a question about control usage. I have 2 vector layer and i wuold like 
to modify the features of each layers. 
I read that Modify control works just for a layer while Select Features 
Control works with multilayer.
My goal is to push a button(called MODIFY) that can allow me to modify 
features of 2 layers. Is it possible?
In this moment i use Select features to select features of a layer, set the 
layer as top layer and after use modify control to modify the features but only 
after i have click out to feature and click agin to the feature.Is there a 
simple way to do that?



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