[OpenLayers-Users] Gauss-Krüger Layer on top of OSM

Paul Golmann p.golmann at neonaut.de
Fri Mar 30 10:27:41 EDT 2012


I want to make two "base"-Layers available/toggleable in my map.
- The first is OpenStreetMap = EPSG:900913
- The second is A custom XYZ Image-Tile-Layer = EPSG:31467 (+proj=tmerc  
+ellps=bessel +datum=potsdam +units=m +no_defs)
- on top of these are some Vector Layers (which are irrelevant since 
OpenLayers can reproject them)

Is there any way to make it possible that you can cahnge between these 
Layers without reinitializing the OpenLayers.Map?

Thank you very much

Paul Golmann

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