[OpenLayers-Users] 405 Method Not Allowed

Michael Ryan mr at mry4n.net
Tue May 1 12:09:25 EDT 2012

I've successfully used OpenLayers.Request.POST in my local Ubuntu
development environment.

I move it up to the production server and it no longer works. I get
the "405 Method Not Allowed" error. From what I've seen online this is
usually due to trying to POST to an HTML file, which I'm not. I'm
posting to a PHP file.

I'm using Drupal and it worked just fine locally. On the production
server this installation is being run on a subdomain. The file
structure is like this:

/path/to/www  for the regular example.com Drupal install

/path/to/www/test for the test.example.com Drupal install

I'm calling a file in
/path/to/www/test/sites/default/files/myscript.php from the subdomain
using http://test.example.com/sites/default/files/myscript.php in the
url field of OpenLayers.Request.POST.

Any ideas?


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