[OpenLayers-Users] Re: Printing Vector Layers

m1k3ry4n mr at mry4n.net
Wed May 2 15:54:17 EDT 2012

Just a little follow up to anyone stumbling on this post in the future. You
can indeed use the PHP GD Library to draw your non-tile layers on your map
image. GD can do polygons, and even polygons filled with a graphic!

I'll post an example eventually, but for now all you need is the
TileStitching example scripts. Then remember you can send anything over to
the PHP script with the OpenLayers.Request.POST. 

Although, at the moment I'm having a problem with a 405 Method Not Allowed
error when trying to do this from a subdomain on a shared server. Locally,
it worked like a charm.

Thanks again for the help.


View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/Printing-Vector-Layers-tp4911429p4947235.html
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