[OpenLayers-Users] Import kml file with polar projection

Phil Scadden p.scadden at gns.cri.nz
Mon Nov 19 12:47:12 PST 2012

Interesting. As I have going to be working on Antarctic data, I guess I 
will be following your footsteps.

However, I strongly question whether your application should go the KML 
route which I think are heavyweight pains in the neck to use if you can 
avoid them. You state the reason for using vector is to be able to style 
and select. However, the better way to go is using WMS for visualisation 
and WFS for selection/query. Eg see 
Also look at the SLDSelect example. You can pass styling to a WMS 
request as well.
Compared to KML you will get faster load times (so you can have a 
significant no. of features in your baselayer); geoserver will do the 
projection into whatever polar system you use not JS;  you can filter on 
attributes (eg 'STATION_VALUE>500') which you cant do effectively with 
KML (if this is important and feature no. is large, then use POSTGIS not 
shapefile); GML (what you get back from WFS queries) is faster and 
easier to deal with than all the KML varieties.

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