[OpenLayers-Users] Import kml file with polar projection

pascal pascal2833 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 22 00:09:20 PST 2012

Thanks for your help Arnd Wippermann!
Now it works!
But I'm still confuse:
To re project a layer map in a projection that it is not epsg 4326 o epsg
900..(googlemap), i use this method:

1) Set the map to the projection that we want: eg epsg32661.
2) Use a base layer originally in the same projection (32661 in this case)
and then add the layer that we want to transform (epsg4326).
I use this and it's work (the layer in 4326 appears in polar projection,
32661) but is it really necessary to use a base layer? Why can't we directly
apply the transformation base on the map element's projection? Basically, it
works but I'm still confuse/projection methods in OpenLayers.
Thanks for your help, 

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/Import-kml-file-with-polar-projection-tp5017311p5018088.html
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