[OpenLayers-Users] Openlayer

yassine bouderaa bouderaa.yassine at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 06:00:09 PST 2012

Thanks for your answer. in matter of fact I do the getfeatureinfo(wms
request) but I don't know how can'I extract the PK from it. here is a part
of my code which get the feature data .
map.events.register('click', map, function (e) {
    var url = 'http://localhost:8181/geoserver/cite/wms'
      + "?REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo"
      + "&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_xml"
      + "&BBOX=" + map.getExtent().toBBOX()
      + "&X=" + x1
      + "&Y=" + y1
      + "&INFO_FORMAT=text/html"
      + "&QUERY_LAYERS=cite:test"
      + "&LAYERS=test"
      + "&FEATURE_COUNT=50"
      + "&SRS=EPSG:900913"
      + "&STYLES="
      + "&WIDTH=" + map.size.w
      + "&HEIGHT=" + map.size.h;

but the probleme here is the data is displayed in a new window page !!!!
is there anything you can do for more help and thank you
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