[OpenLayers-Users] bgcolor for WMS not working

Andreas Schnieders schnieders.a at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 01:04:24 PDT 2012


I have one WMS-BaseLayer specifying a 'worldwide' dark-blue background.
bgcolor '0xXYZXYZ' works fine there.

I as well have three other WMS-Layers with isBaseLayer: false. These are
geoserver LayerGroups, consisting each of one line-layer and one
polygon-layer. But bgcolor: '0xsomething' doesn't have any effect in there.

What am I doing wrong? Shouldn't it be possible to specify the background
color so the whole area of the line-polygon-layer not being covered by any
lines or polygons would have the specified color?

Would appreciate any hint!

Kind regards,
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