[OpenLayers-Users] Add OSM into TileCache

hz hanks hankshz at gmail.com
Mon Sep 24 17:29:49 PDT 2012

Hey, All:

I want to implement TileCache into my system. I installed TileCache
successfully into my window server and can work well with default
layer ( OpenLayers.Layer.WMS )

Now I want to use OSM layer ( OpenLayers.Layer.OSM ) instead.

I know I need to modify the config file, but things as following don't work:


Do I need to install Mapnik as well? Or I need to change the value of
"mapfile" in Windows?

Actually, the only thing I need is the cache functionality so I can
use my map application even it's offline. ( The Cache proxy is
installed in the same laptop with the web application, so the web
application can always access to the Cache Proxy ) .

Any suggestion on add OSM into TileCache or any light-weighted
alternative of TileCache?

Thanks a lot!


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