[OpenLayers-Users] Saving a vector layer as image

Benoît Frébault b.frebault at geomatika.fr
Tue Feb 12 02:41:55 PST 2013

Hi list,

I have a map with a vector Layer and I want to save this layer as an image.
I have succeeded with browsers working with SVG by taking the 
Layer.renderer.rendererRoot and passing it in WkhtmlToImage.
But in a browser using VML renderer (IE before version 9), when I try to 
pass the Html div containing the layer's Vml definition to 
WkhtmlToImage, I can't get an image back.

I looked a way to convert a Vml to a Svg.
I tried by forcing Openlayers to render a SVG of my layer even in IE 8 
or < , but i didn't succeed .
I tried using the project Vector Converter 
(http://vectorconverter.sourceforge.net/), it works with the Vmlsample 
of the project but not with the layer's Vml extract.

So I come to you to know if someone have already the same problem and if 
a solution was found.



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