[OpenLayers-Users] Multiple Vector Layers

Alexandre Dubé adube at mapgears.com
Wed Feb 27 05:22:10 PST 2013

Hi Robert,

   This layer is an OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.RootContainer object. It 
gets automatically created when you specify an array of layers to the 
SelectFeature control.  In short, it was created to solve the "I can't 
click on vectors if they are not in the topmost layer" issue.  You can 
read more about this in following ticket :




On 13-02-26 02:27 PM, Rob Hyx wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have multiple vector layers on my map, one being just a regular 
> layer I plot GeoJSON to, while the others are KML layers. I have them 
> both using the same OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature object, and I 
> noticed a 'phantom' layer that is now in the map.layers property 
> called 'openlayers.control.selectfeature_<some number>_container'. My 
> question is, what is this layer? It seems to effect the z indexing of 
> the KML layers, and by that I mean, if the z index of the container is 
> under a raster layer, the KML features are also underneath. Does that 
> make sense?
> Thanks in advance!
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Alexandre Dubé

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