[OpenLayers-Users] Identify feature by attribute

Jerome A. Wendell jawendell at digitalmapping.com
Tue Jan 8 13:41:40 PST 2013

I am new to OpenLayers and web mapping.  I have searched the examples and
help, and did not find any information on how to select a vector on a vector
layer by attribute.  I have setup a map that has a topo layer and a vector
layer that contains the boundaries of tracts of land.  The vectors have a
unique identifier.  I would like to be able to call up the map using
parameters in the URL so that a specific vector would be highlighted.  If
that can't be done, if there is a way to be able to input the identifier and
search for the specific vector after the map is open may be a workable


Any suggestions would be appreciated.




Jerome Wendell


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