[OpenLayers-Users] Identify feature by attribute

Greg Allensworth gregor at greeninfo.org
Tue Jan 8 14:19:58 PST 2013

On 1/8/2013 2:16 PM, Jerome A. Wendell wrote:
> Greg,
> Thank you very much for your reply.  Is there a way to
> input the feature identifier, or would that have to
 > be coded in a script?

You would need to write your own logic to figure out which Feature is 
the one you want. Fortunately, the Vector Layer's .feature" attribute 
can be iterated easily, and Features have their .attributes attribute. 
So you can loop like this:

var feature = null;
for (var i=0, l=VECTORS.features.length; i++) {
    var f = VECTORS.features[i]
    if (f.attributes.state_name == 'Maryland') { feature = f; break; }

if (feature) CLICKER.select(feature);
else alert ("Not found!");

Greg Allensworth, Web GIS Developer
BS  A+  Network+  Security+  Linux+  Server+
GreenInfo Network - Information and Mapping in the Public Interest
564 Market Street, Suite 510  San Francisco CA 94104
PH: 415-979-0343 x302  FX: 415-979-0371    email: gregor at greeninfo.org
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