[OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers with 900913 projection and drupal OpenLayers module

Alexander Kocisky alexander.kocisky at gmail.com
Wed Jan 9 14:49:17 PST 2013

Hi all,

I've set up a Geoserver/PostGIS infrastructure in order to render a
database of GIS information. Initially i was working with the projection
4326 but when i've installed Drupal + OpenLayers i've realized that there
are almost no tiles with this projection, the way to go seems the
projection 900913.

So i've converted all my gis objects to 900913, verified that i could see
the rendered points in the geoserver Layer Preview with OpenLayer and tried
to add the WMS layer to my map created with Drupal Openlayer module.

It apparently works but it fetches a bound box that is wrong, in fact if i
modify manually the request urls (from the browser) i get the correct data.
I need to understand better how this bounded box works, how is it initially
set? i guess that for each png image downloaded there is a specific BBOX
parameter, is this done by the Openlayers library?

I've also explained the issue on the drupal openlayers module but
apparently it was never really tested with WMS 900931 (weird right?) . The
module works well with the same configuration and the 4326 projection (

Please let me know if you have any suggestion.

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