[OpenLayers-Users] Two displayProjections on a map

Jan Hartmann j.l.h.hartmann at uva.nl
Thu Jan 10 06:48:17 PST 2013

Yes, this is the difficult solution. It works, but I was thinking in 
another direction. As Bart pointed out, it is possible to put multiple 
Mouseposition controls with different DisplayProjections on a page by 
means css classes. This means that I can influence the position of these 
controls and their projected coordinate values without any other 
formating. However, I would also like to be able to change to format of 
a lon-lat value to degrees-minutes-seconds. Is there a way to get at the 
numeric value of a MousePosition control and alter it?

There are other possibilities for this. Older maps often have national 
central meridians, like Paris, Amsterdam, Djakarta. To see the 
lon-values on those map in Greenwich values, all lon values need to be 
added with a constant. It would be nice if that could be done 
automatically via the MousePointer control.


On 1/10/2013 2:46 PM, Richard Greenwood wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 6:02 AM, Jan Hartmann <j.l.h.hartmann at uva.nl 
> <mailto:j.l.h.hartmann at uva.nl>> wrote:
>     Hi Rich, how did you get the lon-lat values on your map formattted
>     as degrees/minutes/seconds (next to the default decimal degrees?)
> Hey Jan -
> The hardest part was getting the coordinates to be the same width so 
> that they did not cause other page elements to move. Without that the 
> display was quite "jittery". My code is below. I'm using my original 
> CSCS transformation library, not proj4js, but that shouldn't matter.
> Best regards,
> Rich
> rwg.cursorCoords = function(e) {
>   var position = this.events.getMousePosition(e);
>   var pointXY = this.getLonLatFromPixel(position); /* this has a 
> transform method */
>   var p = new CSCS.PT <http://CSCS.PT>(pointXY.lon, pointXY.lat);
>   var text;
>   /* *** Private functions ***************** */
>   var zeroPad2 = function(num) {
>     num += '';
>     return (num.length<2) ? "0"+num : num;
>   };
>   var zeroPad4 = function(num) {
>     num += '';
>     return (num.length<4) ? "0"+num : num;
>   };
>   var dd2dms = function(v) {
>     var fv = v % 1;     // fractional part
>     var d = v - fv;     // integer part (degrees)
>     fv = Math.abs(fv);
>     var m = fv * 60;    // minutes
>     var mf = m % 1;     // fractional part of minutes
>     var mi = m - mf;    // integer part of minutes
>     var s = Math.round(mf*600)/10;  // seconds
>     s = s.toFixed(1);
>     return  d + "° " + zeroPad2(mi) + "' "+ zeroPad4(s) 
> + """;
>   };
>   // display original state plane coords
>   text = "N: " + Math.round(p.y) + " E: " + Math.round(p.x);
>   OpenLayers.Util.getElement("coords").innerHTML = text;
>   // convert to long/lat and display
>   CSCS.transform(csSP, csLL, p);
>   text = "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr><td>";
>   text += "Long: " + dd2dms(p.x) + "</td><td> Lat: " + 
> dd2dms(p.y);
>   text += "</td></tr><tr><td>Long: " + 
> Math.round(p.x*10000)/10000 + "°</td><td> Lat: " + 
> Math.round(p.y*10000)/10000;
>   text += "°</td></tr></table>";
>   OpenLayers.Util.getElement("coordsLL").innerHTML = text;
>   // convert long/lat to UTM and display
>   CSCS.transform(csLL, csUTM, p);
>   text = "X =" + Math.round(p.x) + " Y = " + Math.round(p.y);
>   OpenLayers.Util.getElement("coordsUTM").innerHTML = text;
> };
> -- 
> Richard Greenwood
> richard.greenwood at gmail.com <mailto:richard.greenwood at gmail.com>
> www.greenwoodmap.com <http://www.greenwoodmap.com>
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