[OpenLayers-Users] OL, Google base layer and minScale

Fernando Norte fernando at globalgeo.com.br
Tue Jan 15 08:05:09 PST 2013

Olá Reinaldo,

I had the same problem. The problem is the scales of Google Maps are fixed,
you can use variations that doesn't fit with the Google Maps scales, if you
use the min and max you have to get the correct GMaps values before apply
at OL.


 *Fernando Norte*

Desenvolvedor SIGWeb

tel.(31) 2533.9900

cel.(31) 9119.8814

skype: fernandoglobalgeo

Endereço: Alameda do Ingá, 88, 6º andar, Vale do Sereno

Nova Lima/MG - CEP: 34.000-000


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2013/1/15 <reinaldo at geodesign.com.br>

> OL User List,
> I tried to set the minScale and maxScale for a layer but there is no
> change in visibility when using Google Maps, or Physical, Hybrid and
> Satellite, as the base map.
> The minScale and maxScale work when I use other source for the base map.
> Does anybody know how to use the minScale and maxScale to control a layer
> visibility whe having Google as the base map?
> Thanks in advance.
> R.
> ------------------------------
> Reinaldo Escada Chohfi
> Sócio Gerente
> GeoDesign Internacional
> www.geodesign.com.br
> Tel./Fax: (12) 3153-5115
> Inteligência e Tecnologia Espacial de Ponta
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