[OpenLayers-Users] Accessing user defined data from a OpenLayers application

Phil Scadden p.scadden at gns.cri.nz
Wed Jun 5 13:55:18 PDT 2013

|>Status: 502 Bad Gateway
||>Content-Type: text/plain
||>This proxy does not allow you to access that location (api.flickr.com  <http://api.flickr.com>).

If you look at the logic for the proxy, you will see that this is what you get for not having api.flickr.com in your
allowedHosts. Make sure port also matches. Check for spelling etc. Log the incoming URL if possible and compare with allowedHosts


Phil Scadden, Senior Scientist GNS Science Ltd 764 Cumberland St, 
Private Bag 1930, Dunedin, New Zealand Ph +64 3 4799663, fax +64 3 477 5232

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