[OpenLayers-Users] Is it possible to add two layers with different crs

Phil Scadden P.Scadden at gns.cri.nz
Sat Jun 15 18:47:26 PDT 2013

If you mean they are coming from a WMTS service, then yes it is surely possible so long as the server supports reprojection to your baselayer projection.

Just to make is clear how this works. Your maps is obviously a single projection but it source layers need not be in the map projection. The map projection is that of the current baselayer (there can be only one baselayer active at time). OL (in general for OSGEO services) does not do any reprojection. Instead it requests the service to supply the data in desired desired projection. Usually you dont even need to know what the native projection on the service is. If you are dealing with some very unusual projection, then you might need to see whether the server supports this. This is in the service capabilities document but frankly it is better to suck and see since these documents can be incomplete and inaccurate (eg ESRI arcgisserver).

In fact, the layers to be added are deployed as the WMTS service. It seems that , this is not possible?

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