[OpenLayers-Users] TypeError: this.layer is undefined on line 1591 (OpenLayers.js)

adidas xkadidas at gmail.com
Sun May 12 02:35:08 PDT 2013

Hi! I'm trying to make a panel with the tools, but does not work.
/var panel = new OpenLayers.Control.Panel({//
//    createControlMarkup: function(control) {//
//        var button = document.createElement('button'),//
//            iconSpan = document.createElement('span'),//
//            textSpan = document.createElement('span');//
//        iconSpan.innerHTML = ' ';//
//        button.appendChild(iconSpan);//
//        if (control.text) {//
//            textSpan.innerHTML = control.text;//
//        }//
//        button.appendChild(textSpan);//
//        return button;//
//        }//
//    }//
//var editCable = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(lineLayer, {//
//    title: "Edit Cable",//
//    text: 'Edit<br>Cable',//
//    vertexRenderIntent: 'temporary',//
//    displayClass: "olControlMoveClosure",//
//    modified: true,//
//    createVertices: true,//
//    mode: OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature.RESHAPE//

This error occurs when i declare editCable, but do not swear on this 
line, swear on line 1591 file OpenLayers.js. What's the problem?
Image with error: http://f4.s.qip.ru/qGVcUy1m.png
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