[OpenLayers-Users] Easy way to reproject overlays to base layer projection?

dabraham dominikabraham at gmail.com
Mon Jul 21 14:39:55 PDT 2014

Yes, you're right. Sorry for my dumb question, but problem was in my
GeoServer, which performs incorrect transformation to 900913 and there was
reason, why I didn't see overlays. So I change the base layer and now it's

2014-07-21 22:49 GMT+02:00 Phil Scadden [via OSGeo.org] <
ml-node+s1560n5152261h97 at n6.nabble.com>:

> On 22/07/2014 6:41 a.m., dabraham wrote:
> > Base layer in my application uses EPSG:900913. Is possible to add
> overlays
> > (from various WMS/WFS servers and with different CRS), which will be
> > automatically displayed in the projection of base layer?
> This is how openlayers works. When you make a WMS request you send the
> CRS that you want the returned image projected in. openlayers always
> sets this to be the CRS of the current baselayer. You just need to make
> sure that the server you are requesting from supports your baselayer
> projection. ESRI ArcGIS server does not understand 900913 so you would
> be better setting the map up in the equivalent EPSG:3857.
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