[OpenLayers-Users] WMS getfeatureinfo popup problem on public ip

PARDHU D dpardhu123 at yahoo.in
Fri Jul 25 21:46:24 PDT 2014

Hi to all,

I followed this link http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/getfeatureinfo-popup.html to getfeatureinfo popups. I am getting popups in my 
localhost where as on my public ip popup displaying " Some unexpected 
error occurred. Error text was:" . After "Some unexpected 
error occurred. Error text was:" I did not get any thing. I have set my public ip with domain 
on proxy.cgi file. If I type myPublicip/cgi-bin/proxy.cgi on web browser, I am 
redirected to openlayers. I am using apache tomcat web container. 

Where I need to change? Can any one please tell me what is the 

D Pardhu.
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