[OpenLayers-Users] a whole LOT of points!

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Sun Jan 25 13:27:45 PST 2015

On 1/25/2015 4:03 PM, Phil Scadden wrote:
> On 24/01/2015 11:01 a.m., zach cruise wrote:
>> any real world ideas?
> In real world, processing a million points in a browser doesnt happen.
> JS is slow, download time is slow, execution environment in a browser is
> extremely limited. (in my experience, doing more than 1000 points of
> geometry is unacceptably slow in single threaded). Easiest approach for
> doing this in a browser begins with figuring how not to have vector
> data. If this is an offline application, you want to look at local
> server or local database. If you want to go extreme, then maybe look at
> html5 web worker api to go multithreaded but I suspect you are up for
> some pretty major rewrites of OL.

I would concur with this.
What is the basis for the requirement to do all this in the browser?
Is it an online or offline application?
If offline is there any reason you can not have a local database and 
server on the offline machine?

What is the user going to be trying to do with all these point?

If you have a million points, they can't all be displayed on the screen 
at the same time or I would expect that they would all overlap to the 
point that you would be hard pressed to display them all in a useful 
manner where the user could differentiate them.

If you are displaying a subset then why not load just the ones you need? 
using something like the bounding box strategy.

I think you need to provide more information about what and how you plan 
to use this before people can give you better advice.

-Steve w

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