[OpenLayers-Users] Using Circular projections

Philip Gladstone pjsg-openlayers at nospam.gladstonefamily.net
Sun Dec 22 08:38:35 PST 2019

I'm trying to use an Azimuthal Equidistant project in openlayers. It works
if I limit the extent of the projection such that the corners of the extent
are within the projected region. However, since the projected region is
circular, this causes problems -- if I set the extent of the projection to
include the entire globe, then "things" blow up when trying to render the
tile layer. This is because openlayers tries to convert a corner point (in
this case -2e7, -2e7 meters) and proj4 blows up because this point does not
actually exist (the projected map is a circle of radius 2.0015e7 meters).

What is unclear to me is whether the issue is in openlayers, proj4js or in
my configuration. Does anybody have an example map using a tile layer,
openlayers, proj4js with a non-rectangular projection (that doesn't repeat)
where you can see the whole of the non-rectangular area. [I've already had
to fix one proj4js bug where it couldn't convert 0,0 in AEQD]


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