[OpenLayers-Users] ESRI vector tiles

Daniel Urda daniel.urda.ct at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 05:44:43 PDT 2020


I am resending this since the mail requiring confirmation of registration
to the mailing list went to my spam folder. Sorry if this results in a
duplicate mail.

I am trying to consume a vector tiles as provide by an ArcGIS Enterprise
Server. I successfully managed to hijack the MapboxVector layer in order to
display the tiles in OpenLayers (fortunately style description is more or
less compatible with MapboxVector).
The issue is that ESRI Vector Tile Services randomly decide to drop lower
level tiles. Thus, if ESRI somehow decides that for a certain area level
X+1 does not provide significantly more information than level X, tiles on
level X+1 are not generated  (requests result in 404) and the client is
expected to display the data on level X. ArcGIS JS does have a mechanism to
make sure it never gets 404 (making use of
https://developers.arcgis.com/rest/services-reference/tile-map.htm ),
however it seems to me that implementing that in OL would need significant
effort with low benefits. Setting maxZoom on the vector tile is not really
helpful, since better zoom levels may exist in some regions (detecting the
max level that has tiles for all areas is cumbersome, but doable using the
API in the provided link).
Therefore, I was thinking I could somehow convince OL to render the tile at
best available resolution when it gets 404s at better resolution. Any hint
to where exactly in the code I could do that?

Daniel Urda
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