[OSGeo BC] OSGeo BC Chapter meeting **postponed to next fiscal**

Jody Garnett jgarnett at refractions.net
Wed Feb 27 16:15:26 EST 2008

So Dave do you want to go to the pub on the 29th? It would be nice to 
talk shop; direction and so forth.

Dave Patton wrote:
> Frame, Robert wrote:
>> Hi again,
>>    A large number of the Victoria chapter members are unavailable for
>> this meeting due to sizeable government year-end workloads. Therefore
>> we've decided to postpone the meeting to the fiscal new year.
> This needs to be on the agenda for the next chapter meeting.
> I disagree with the notion that meetings can be postponed
> without discussion and voting by chapter members (unless
> of course the chapter membership votes to confer that
> capability to the chapter's executive).

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