[OSGeo BC] Presentation from Geoff Zeiss

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Fri Jul 11 15:11:53 EDT 2008

This is Max's call, but the wiki still shows a need for presentations:


Just sign up and we'll see if an edit war ensues ;)

Geoff, I thought you were slated to be at OSCON?


-----Original Message-----
From: Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo)
Subject: [OSGeo BC] Presentation from Geoff Zeiss

Geoff Zeiss, one of our great OSGeo evangelists, is going to be in  
town for Geoweb and I asked if he'd be interested in giving a little  
talk at the meeting - he said yes.  I find his presentations about  
future needs and some historic trends to be quite interesting.  I  
didn't get a title or topic from him - but wanted to put the idea  
past the group.  Do we still have room for a speaker?

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