[OSGeo BC] map guide

Alison Rowles alison.rowles at gcscorp.ca
Tue Oct 21 13:31:39 EDT 2008

Hi Bruce,


I am with Global CADD Systems, we are an Autodesk Premier Solution Provider and offer MapGuide Training www.gcscorp.ca <http://www.gcscorp.ca/> 



Alison Rowles
Business Manager - Infrastructure Solutions
Global CADD Systems
b: (604) 647- 2220, ext. 208 | f: (604) 647- 2221 | e:alison.rowles at gcscorp.ca
1-866-647-2223, “2” for BC, ext. 208
 <blocked::http://www.gcscorp.ca/> www.gcscorp.ca 

 <http://www.gcscorp.ca/newsletter/October-2008/newsletter.htm> October News 


From: osgeo-bc-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:osgeo-bc-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Dean Mikkelsen
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 8:54 AM
To: OSGeo Local Chapter, British Columbia, Canada
Cc: OSGeo Local Chapter, British Columbia, Canada; Kyle, Martin
Subject: Re: [OSGeo BC] map guide


Hi Bruce,


I would try Pacific Alliance Technology - see: http://www.pat.ca <http://www.pat.ca/> 


I also do believe that DM Solutions offers training - see: http://www.dmsolutions.ca <http://www.dmsolutions.ca/> 



----- Original Message -----
From: Bruce Han <Bruce.Han at swg.ca>
Date: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 9:28 am
Subject: [OSGeo BC] map guide
To: "OSGeo Local Chapter, British Columbia, Canada" <osgeo-bc at lists.osgeo.org>, tmitchell at osgeo.org
Cc: "Kyle,Martin" <MartinKyle at SierraSystems.com>

> Hi,
>   Where can I get mapguide training? I’m looking for 
> alternatives to ESRI ARCGIS server.
>   Any info will be appreciated.
> Bruce Han,MCSE,  ▪  GIS Manager  |  Stewart, 
> Weir & Co. Ltd.
> 140, 2121 Premier Way, Sherwood Park, Alberta T8H 0B8  
> |  T.780.410.2580   ▪   
> F.780.410.2589  ▪  www.swg.ca <http://www.swg.ca> 

Dean C. Mikkelsen, B.Sc., P.Eng. 

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