[OSGeo BC] Introducing gvSIG a powerful Open Source Desktop GIS - Free Online Live Seminar - Wednesday, October 27th at 10am- 11am PST

Mark Blackmore mark17_blackmore at yahoo.ca
Tue Oct 26 01:02:06 EDT 2010

Mark Blackmore
11 Years experience with ArcGIS, MapInfo, Adobe CS4
I have taken the Mapguide Open Source course at BCIT
I am interested in all web mapping funcionality

Thank you

Mark Blackmore

--- On Thu, 10/21/10, karsten vennemann <karsten at terragis.net> wrote:

From: karsten vennemann <karsten at terragis.net>
Subject: [OSGeo BC] Introducing gvSIG a powerful Open Source Desktop GIS - Free Online Live Seminar - Wednesday, October 27th at 10am- 11am PST
To: osgeo-bc at lists.osgeo.org, gis_info at listsmart.osl.state.or.us
Received: Thursday, October 21, 2010, 1:19 PM

This free one hour session is geared towards GIS 
professionals that are interested in exploring gvSIG - a powerful desktop Open Source GIS Software. The free seminar is 
scheduled for October 27th at 10am -11:00am  PST and is presented by Karsten 
Vennemann (online and via conference call). It will include 

* A brief 
overview of Open Source GIS tools and their capabilities
* Demonstration of 
selected examples using gvSIG for 
cartography and geoprocessing
* Question and Answer session (15 minutes)

To get 
an idea about gvSIG you can also consult 
the following links:
  * gvSIG at 
  * gvSIG project information
  * blog post about mid range desktop GIS by Karsten 
  * gvSIG overview - CSGIS website
You can register for the 
free seminar by responding to this email. Please include your 

Name and Organization
* Years of experience with GIS
* Whether you have 
any Open Source GIS experience (which software)
* what interests you most in 
OpenSource (e.g. desktop: analysis, editing, automatic map production...or web 
mapping: capabilities, web mapping services, publishing data or 
interactive  applications...)
I will try to gear the session towards 
your interests.

Space is limited to 40 
participants (first come first serve basis). To secure your "seat" respond a 
soon as  practical :) . You will then receive a website URL and login key 
along with  conference call details.

Best Regards


Terra GIS 

Seattle,  WA   

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