[OSGeo BC] Introduction

Nicholas Hadaller nicholashadaller at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 13:44:50 PDT 2022

Hi all,

I have just joined the mailing list and also edited the wiki page to list
myself as a member, so I wanted to introduce myself.

My name is Nick Hadaller, and I work as a training forestry technican with
a consultant company based around northern Vancouver Island. Forestry was
how I was introduced to GIS, and eventually QGIS, OSGeo, and the open
source geospatial community and I have become fascinated with all of it.
Although I am mostly self-taught with my tech skills, I am continuing my
formal education in GIS, and have enrolled in the advanced diploma of GIS
applications at VIU for Jan 2023.

The majority of my work is done with QGIS but I am always looking into
other tools such as using R and libraries such as lidR to work with point
clouds. I have recently begun to use python and pyqgis, plus a variety of
command line tools (gdal, pdal) to script/automate repetitive tasks or come
up with new ways to analyze or process the data I work with.

I am excited to be in this community with all of you,

Nick Hadaller
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