[osgeo4w-dev] osgeo4w - Mapbender integration

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Fri Mar 14 13:55:52 EDT 2008

Hello Astrid,

Astrid Emde (WhereGroup) wrote:
> Hi all,
> I wanted to ask what the timetable for the project is? We are working on 
> Mapbender 2.5 but it needs some testing and will take till april/may to 
> be released. We are discussing about this at the moment.
> The question is how much time we have left for packaging?

I think we are hoping to have something ready for this May.

> Without the automatic PostgreSQL installation it should not be a big 
> thing to package Mapbender. 

It isn't a pain at all, very similar to your Mapbender package for MS4W.

> What about the php configurations? Do we 
> have influence on this too? What we need is:
> session.save_handler = files
> file_uploads = On
> allow_url_fopen = On

Those 3 parameters are already set to those values in the php.ini of 

> extension=php_gd2.dll
> extension=php_gettext.dll
> extension=php_mbstring.dll

(this is again similar to how MS4W handled this issue)

It would be good if Mapbender can do as other OSGeo4W/MS4W PHP 
applications do, in that their application code checks to see if the 
extensions are already loaded, and if not then load them:

   if ( !extension_loaded( 'gd' ) )
      dl('php_gd2.' . PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX );

> Greetings from Germany and nice weekend
> astrid

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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