[osgeo4w-dev] Various OSGeo4W updates

Sampson, David David.Sampson at NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca
Thu Jul 30 09:08:46 EDT 2009


> The express installation targets now include GRASS and the 
> QGIS express target was changed from qgis to qgis-full.  The 
> latter is a pseudo package that installs qgis (1.0) including 
> optional dependencies that enable Python support, the GRASS 
> plugin and some additional python packages that are used by popular
> qgis python plugins.   See [3+4].
> Jürgen

I am interested in getting OWSLIB (http://trac.gispython.org/lab/wiki/OwsLib) included in the OSGEO4W installer.  Is someone willing to do this? Or is someone willing to teach me how to make this contribution?

OWSLIB as described on their site:
OWSLib Makes WxS Suck Less: [Python] Package for programming with OGC(TM) web services. 

Currently OWSLIB is required for one Qgis python plugin I have created but I plan to contribute more. It is also a pretty easy library to use to make calls to and process responses from various OGC type services.

Keep me posted.

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