[osgeo4w-dev] Re: [osgeo4w] #117: Dependencies are not tracking on Windows Server 2003 x64

Matt Wilkie matt.wilkie at gov.yk.ca
Wed Mar 2 10:37:37 EST 2011

> Is there a work-around for this?  Is there perhaps another way to install
> osgeo4w?  Or nightly snapshot binaries for common configurations?

You could try the apt command line installer. 
(http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/wiki/pkg-apt) It seems to work for me on 
Windows 2003 x64:

D:\temp>set osgeo4w_root=d:\o4w

D:\temp>python apt.py setup
Root dir not found, creating d:/o4w
creating d:/o4w/etc/setup/
creating d:/o4w/etc/setup//installed.db
getting d:/o4w/etc/setup//setup.ini

D:\temp>python apt.py install qgis-dev
to install:
	fftw libtiff libjpeg12 python-win32 fcgi wxpython netcdf curl msvcrt 
iconv sip xerces-c libpq geos proj libmysql sqlite3 tcltk libgeotiff 
expat pyopengl gsl -libs python gdal17 python-numpy qt4-libs pyqt4 
libpng qwt5-libs-qt4 qgis-dev ms ys gdal avce00 xerces-c-vc9 ogdi 
freetype-mingw hdf4 hdf5 libjpeg proj-datumgrid zlib proj-hpgn gdal15dll 
pdcurses gpsbabel openssl grass gdal-python



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