[osgeo4w-dev] [osgeo4w] #272: osgeo4w - PROJ.4 strings do not work
with GDAL
trac_osgeo4w at osgeo.org
Wed Feb 22 18:39:52 EST 2012
#272: osgeo4w - PROJ.4 strings do not work with GDAL
Reporter: tcgeophysics | Owner: osgeo4w-dev@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: major | Component: Package
Version: | Keywords:
Hi All,
I've using the OSGeo4W install of GDAL for a little while now and I just
realized that GDAL utilities does not work when using PROJ.4 string to
specify -s_srs or -t_srs.
I usually defines my srs with EPSG codes and this does not give me any
trouble. But I recently needed to use a custom projection and found out
about the issue.
I am running it with Windows 7 and I ran the commands in an OSGEO4w
terminal window. The variables OSGEO4W_ROOT, PROJ_LIB and GDAL_DATA are
pointing to the correct directories.
If I enter the following command:
''gdalwarp -t_srs '+proj=utm +zone=11 +datum=WGS84' input.tif
I get the following message:
''ERROR 1: Translating source or target SRS failed:
'+proj=utm' ''
Any idea on how to solve this?
Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/ticket/272>
OSGeo4W <http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w>
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