[osgeo4w-dev] OSGeo4w GSoC 2013 Weekly Report #7

Lord Flaubert Steve Ataucuri Cruz lord.ataucuri at ucsp.edu.pe
Sat Aug 3 05:41:17 PDT 2013

Hi All

*=======Week Report 7=========:*
*Work done:*

This week I had fixed a Bug with the download process when file license
isn't in server
Added properties of many classes in order to replace the new classes that I
was created
Replaced some methods for restrictive package

*Next week: *
Testing  and I will work in the backend with perl files for generation of
automatic packages  and learn perl programming
*Problems Faced: *
I was learning classes of database of package, I am not familiar with these
classes and code.

You can see my work at code repository

Best regards


Steve Ataucuri Cruz
School of Computer Science,
San Pablo Catholic University - Arequipa, Peru (http://www.ucsp.edu.pe),
Screen Names :
 stonescenter at hotmail.com (Windows Live Messenger)
 stonescenter at gmail.com (Google talk)
 stonescenter at yahoo.com (Yahoo Messenger)
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