[osgeo4w-dev] using Pyscripter with Osgeo4w

Matt Wilkie maphew at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 09:30:38 PDT 2015

You don't need to duplicate the call ini scripts and setting of python
path, start osgeo4w shell and then run the pyscripter.bat from previous
post all in one go:

     C:\osgeo4w\osgeo4w.bat pyscripter.bat

...and I'm not using the remote interpreter. If you're willing to tinker
with the o4w install you should be able to get it to work by copying
python.exe to PYTHONHOME (./apps/Python27).


The issue is that we follow 'nix convention and split the standard Windows
python structure into "bin" and "lib". I think eventually we will have to
merge it back, putting everything together under ./apps/PythonXX. It'll be
a way to support simultaneous Pyhon 2 and 3, perhaps the only way.

I've been hesitant to suggest or start that because it will touch almost
everybody (esp. package maintainers) and I don't have the time to devote to
seeing it through.



On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 4:00 AM, Müller, Andreas, Dr. phil. <
muellea at uni-trier.de> wrote:

>  Hi Matt,
> i was using PyScripter with my portable Install of osgeo4w. Never had
> issues starting it, but it does shows strange behaviour when you work
> with several scripts, one importing the others.
> I read about using a remote python engine, but had no luck, because
> changing the pythonpath to %osgeo4w_root%\apps\Python27 AND using
> remserver doesn't work. How did you configure PyScripter?
> my start script:
> set PYSC_DIR=%~dp0
> rem calling osgeo4w ini-scripts, incl. python.bat
> for %%F in ("%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\etc\ini\*.bat") do call "%%F"
> rem setting pythonpath, it's more than needed
> PYTHONPATH=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\python27\lib;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\python27\lib\site-packages;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin;%PYSC_DIR%\Lib;
> rem start Pyscripter
> start "PyScripter" /B %PYSC_DIR%\PyScripter.exe --python27
> --pythondllpath=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin
> Dr. Andreas Müller -_- Universität Trier - FB VI - Kartographie,
> muellea at uni-trier.de
> 54286 Trier, Behringstr. 29, F 191, ++496512014576
>    ------------------------------
> *Von:* osgeo4w-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [
> osgeo4w-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org]" im Auftrag von "Matt Wilkie [
> maphew at gmail.com]
> *Gesendet:* Samstag, 21. März 2015 19:09
> *An:* osgeo4w-dev
> *Betreff:* Re: [osgeo4w-dev] using Pyscripter with Osgeo4w
> On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 11:02 AM, Matt Wilkie <maphew at gmail.com> wrote:
>>     %~d0\apps\PyScripter\PyScripter.exe %*
>> --pythondllpath=%osgeo4w_root%\bin
>  Use this instead to avoid blocking the calling shell:
>     start /b "Pyscripter" cmd.exe /c %~d0\apps\PyScripter\PyScripter.exe
> %* --pythondllpath=%osgeo4w_root%\bin
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