[osgeo4w-dev] Announce: APT v0.4 - x64 bit support

Matt Wilkie maphew at gmail.com
Sun Apr 2 13:46:45 PDT 2017

Hi Folks,

I'm please to announce that the apt command line Osgeo4w package management
tool has been updated and now supports x64 packages.

Binary release from https://github.com/maphew/apt/releases. Or the much
lighter weight python script from https://github.com/maphew/apt if you
already have python 2.7 installed (only apt.py and knownpaths.py are

This much needed update is largely because of Andreas Müller, Universitaet
Trier (@amr66) - *Thank you Andreas!*

Apt uses the same configuration files as the mainline Osgeo4wSetup.exe, so
either tool can be used to install and remove packages at will (but not
concurrently!). Apt strives to match Setup's results as closely as
possible, and to not screw anything up that Setup does, but there's no
guarantee that aim has been achieved.

*Quick Start*

Download the latest binary release from
https://github.com/maphew/apt/releases/. Open a CMD shell and:

apt --bits=64 setup
apt update
apt install shell


apt --bits=32 setup
apt update
apt install shell


This release has not been tested much, so I'm waiting a bit longer to make
an osgeo4w package to go up on downloads.osgeo.org. Please use GitHub for
bug reports.

Best regards,

Matt Wilkie
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