[osgeo4w-dev] Boost upgrade

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Thu Apr 5 06:44:49 PDT 2018

On 4/4/18 4:45 PM, Jürgen E. Fischer wrote:
> Hi Howard,
> On Wed, 04. Apr 2018 at 08:42:14 -0500, Howard Butler wrote:
>> I'd like to upgrade Boost to 1.66 and MSVC 2015, but I am wondering of the
>> impact of doing so. I see there are currently two boost packages. How can I
>> see which reverse dependencies would be impacted by such an upgrade, and does
>> anyone remember building the split boost 1.56 package that is currently
>> available?
> For x86 there is only one: boost-1.56.0-2 (+ boost-devel) and libkml and
> libkml-vc14 depend on it.
> For x86_64 there are two: boost-1.55.0-1 and boost-libs-1.56.0-1 (+
> boost-devel).  There libkml and libkml-vc14 depend on boost-libs and pcl
> depends on boost.
> Julian Malik built boost for x86 (for OTB) and Bradley Chambers for x86_64
> (apparently both versions).  In x86 I splitted the binary package boost into
> boost and boost-devel.
> Currently only GDAL (and obsolete otb-bin) depend on libkml.
I am trying to get a refresh of Boost for x86_64 to refresh PCL. This
would also require refreshing FLANN, and I'm not sure of the impact of
that one either. PCL is an optional library for PDAL that some users
have been asking for. It may be simpler to statically link everything to
PDAL rather than to touch all of these OSGeo4W libraries.

libLAS also depends on Boost and would likely need to be recompiled. I
made a few fixes to libLAS to catch it up to the latest GDAL.

Once these changes are all made we plan to add Entwine
https://entwine.io and Greyhound https://greyhound.io as new packages.


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