[osgeo4w-dev] Please clean up the startmenu mess

Tobias Wendorff tobias.wendorff at tu-dortmund.de
Mon Feb 7 04:19:50 PST 2022

Hi there,

I'm using the osgewo4w network installer, but I'm really having trouble 
with the mess in my startup menu. On each new version, the GUI 
applications get a new name and a new entry in Windows' startmenu 
without removing the old, deprecated one.

The OSGeo4W menu listing looks like this now (growing):

- QGIS Desktop 3.15.0*
- QGIS Desktop 3.17.0 with GRASS 7.8.5*
- QGIS Desktop 3.18.3*
- QGIS Desktop 3.18.3 with GRASS 7.8.5*
- QGIS Desktop 3.21.0 (Nightly)*
- QGIS Desktop 3.22.3
- QGIS Desktop 3.22.3 (Nightly)
- Qt Designer with QGIS 3.18.3 custo...*
- Qt Designer with QGIS 3.19.0 custo...*
- Qt Designer with QGIS 3.21.0 custo...*
- Qt Designer with QGIS 3.22.3 custo...*
- SAGA GIS (2.1.2)*
- SAGA GIS (2.3.2)*

The ones with an asterisk are linked to a non-existing binary (deprecated).

Can't you run a cleanup tool over the sidebar after each installation, 
which cleans up this mess? Anything without a valid link gets removed.

Or maybe a better naming scheme?
- QGIS Desktop (stable)
- QGIS Desktop (relase-dev)
- QGIS Desktop (nightly)

So the meny entry keeps stable. I often copy them to desktop, where they 
get deprecated, to :-(

Best regards,

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