[osgeo4w-dev] [osgeo4w] #836: Standalone 3.36.3 installer digital signing certificate expired

OSGeo4W trac_osgeo4w at osgeo.org
Thu May 30 03:21:58 PDT 2024

#836: Standalone 3.36.3 installer digital signing certificate expired
Reporter:  pathmapper  |       Owner:  osgeo4w-dev@…
    Type:  defect      |      Status:  new
Priority:  normal      |   Component:  Installer
 Version:              |  Resolution:
Keywords:              |
Comment (by pathmapper):


 What happened with the certificate

 SN 0cfd5c1802ad66d79a8f9ad0cb3665eb

 used for

 https://download.qgis.org/downloads/QGIS-OSGeo4W-3.36.1-1.msi ?

 This is valid until 03.03.2026. I assumed that the problem has something
 to do with the major update of OSGeo4W in mid-April, because the above
 mentioned certificate was used until 3.36.1 and starting with 3.36.2 the
 other expired certificate was used.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/ticket/836#comment:2>
OSGeo4W <http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w>
OSGeo4W is the Windows installer and package environment for the OSGeo stack.

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