[osgeo4w-dev] [osgeo4w] #870: qgis-dev: crssync.exe fails in postinstall for missing gdal310.dll

OSGeo4W trac_osgeo4w at osgeo.org
Mon Mar 3 09:57:52 PST 2025

#870: qgis-dev: crssync.exe fails in postinstall for missing gdal310.dll
Reporter:  andreaerdna  |       Owner:  osgeo4w-dev@…
    Type:  defect       |      Status:  closed
Priority:  normal       |   Component:  Package
 Version:               |  Resolution:  worksforme
Keywords:               |
Comment (by andreaerdna):

 Actually the description of the issue was inaccurate.
 I had both qgis and qgis-dev installed at the same time. I had updated
 qgis-dev and gdal-dev without also updating qgis and gdal, since I know
 qgis-dev is build against gdal-dev, not gdal.
 The qgis-dev didn't install properly (crssync.exe failed) and it didn't
 start with the following error:

 qgis-dev-bin.exe - Entry Point Not Found

 The procedure entry point
 ??GlobalParams@@YAEAAV0EAAPEAD at Z could not be located in the dynamic link

 I removed gdal310.dll in order to ensure it was the cause of the issue,
 and then I found that qgis-dev depends on gdal-dev but it also depends on
 pdalcpp which depends on gdal.

 I think it would be better if qgis-dev used a dedicated pdalcpp built
 against gdaldev (like qgis-dev itself) and not the one built against gdal.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/ticket/870#comment:4>
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