[Osgeo4w-trac] Re: [osgeo4w] #18: shell package
trac_osgeo4w at osgeo.org
Sun Feb 5 02:53:48 EST 2012
#18: shell package
Reporter: maphew | Owner: maphew
Type: enhancement | Status: assigned
Priority: major | Component: Package
Version: | Keywords: pkg-shell
Comment(by maphew):
I'd like to go ahead with the last two steps of making [wiki:pkg-shell]
the primary requisite of all command line packages in place of [wiki:pkg-
1. in `*/setup.hint` replace `msvcrt` with `shell`, excepting
`shell/setup.hint` which will remain a dependent on `msvcrt`.
2. After a period of successful testing, the shell and desktop link
creation duties can be removed from setup.exe
If there are no objections I'll do #1 in a few days. #2 will have to be by
someone else as I don't know how, and then we can close this ticket. :-)
Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/ticket/18#comment:19>
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