[Osgeo4w-trac] [osgeo4w] #485: GDAL does not install ogdi.dll

OSGeo4W trac_osgeo4w at osgeo.org
Tue Feb 23 09:18:26 PST 2016

#485: GDAL does not install ogdi.dll
Reporter:  mloskot    |       Owner:  osgeo4w-dev@…
    Type:  defect     |      Status:  new
Priority:  major      |   Component:  Package
 Version:             |  Resolution:
Keywords:  gdal ogdi  |

Comment (by mloskot):

 I'm probably missing something obvious, but installing via the
 GUI > Advanced Install > ... > select just `gdal`
 turns out to be deploying the whole lot more files than the command line

 C:\OSGeo4W>ls bin
 adrg.dll              krb5_32.dll         ppm2tiff.exe
 bmp2tiff.exe          libcurl.dll         proj.dll
 comerr32.dll          libeay32.dll        proj.exe
 cs2cs.exe             libexpat.dll        psql.exe
 curl.exe              libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll  ras2tiff.exe
 dllupdate.exe         libiconv-2.dll      raw2tiff.exe
 dted.dll              libintl-8.dll       remote.dll
 fax2ps.exe            libmysql.dll        rgb2ycbcr.exe
 fax2tiff.exe          libpng-3.dll        rpcgen.exe
 freexl.dll            libpng-config       rpcinfo.exe
 gdal_contour.exe      libpng12-0.dll      rpf.dll
 gdal_grid.exe         libpng12-config     setup-test.bat
 gdal_rasterize.exe    libpq.dll           setup-test.bat.tmpl
 gdal_translate.exe    libtiff.dll         setup.bat
 gdal110.dll           libxml2.dll         setup.bat.tmpl
 gdal111.dll           listgeo.exe         skeleton.dll
 gdal15.dll            mfhdf_fw.dll        spatialite.dll
 gdal18.dll            msvcp60.dll         spatialite4.dll
 gdal19.dll            msvcp70.dll         sqlite3.dll
 gdal200.dll           msvcp71.dll         ssleay32.dll
 gdaladdo.exe          msvcr71.dll         szip.dll
 gdalbuildvrt.exe      msvcrt.dll          szlibdll.dll
 gdaldem.exe           nad2bin.exe         testepsg.exe
 gdalenhance.exe       nccopy.exe          textreplace.exe
 gdalinfo.exe          ncdump.exe          thumbnail.exe
 gdallocationinfo.exe  ncgen.exe           tiff2bw.exe
 gdalmanage.exe        ncgen3.exe          tiff2pdf.exe
 gdalplugins           nearblack.exe       tiff2ps.exe
 gdalserver.exe        netcdf.dll          tiff2rgba.exe
 gdalsrsinfo.exe       nircmd.exe          tiffcmp.exe
 gdaltindex.exe        nircmdc.exe         tiffcp.exe
 gdaltransform.exe     o-help.bat          tiffcrop.exe
 gdalwarp.exe          o4w_env.bat         tiffdither.exe
 geod.exe              ogdi_32b1.dll       tiffdump.exe
 geos_c.dll            ogdi_import.exe     tiffinfo.exe
 geotifcp.exe          ogdi_info.exe       tiffmedian.exe
 geotiff.dll           ogr2ogr.exe         tiffset.exe
 gif2tiff.exe          ogrinfo.exe         tiffsplit.exe
 gltpd.exe             ogrlineref.exe      vrf.dll
 gssapi32.dll          ogrtindex.exe       xerces-c_2_7.dll
 hdf_fw.dll            openjp2.dll         xerces-c_3_1.dll
 hdf5.dll              opj_compress.exe    xerces-depdom_2_7.dll
 hdf5_hl.dll           opj_decompress.exe  xmlcatalog.exe
 hdf5dll.dll           opj_dump.exe        xmllint.exe
 iconv.dll             osgeo4w-setup.exe   xxmklink.exe
 jpeg_osgeo.dll        pal2rgb.exe         zlib_osgeo.dll
 jpeg12_osgeo.dll      png_osgeo.dll       zlib1.dll
 k5sprt32.dll          portmap.exe


 I must be missing something...

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/ticket/485#comment:2>
OSGeo4W <http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w>
OSGeo4W is the Windows installer and package environment for the OSGeo stack.

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