[Osgeo4w-trac] [osgeo4w] #639: qgis_process-qgis-dev doesn't set PATH properly (gdal302.dll and proj_7_2.dll not found errors)
trac_osgeo4w at osgeo.org
Mon Jul 13 15:19:52 PDT 2020
#639: qgis_process-qgis-dev doesn't set PATH properly (gdal302.dll and
proj_7_2.dll not found errors)
Reporter: andreaerdna | Owner: osgeo4w-dev@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: major | Component: Package
Version: | Resolution:
Keywords: |
Description changed by andreaerdna:
Old description:
> qgis-dev (3.15.0-2) and all the automatically selected dependencies
> installed via OSGeo4W network installer on Windows 10 64 bit.
> In the OSGeo4W Shell, executing:
> {{{
> qgis_process-qgis-dev
> }}}
> the following error windows appear:
> ''qgis_process.exe -System Error
> The code execution cannot proceed because gdal302.dll was not found.
> Reinstalling the program may fix this problem. I did reinstall My Office
> which didn't fix the problem.''
> ''qgis_process.exe -System Error
> The code execution cannot proceed because proj_7_2.dll was not found.
> Reinstalling the program may fix this problem. I did reinstall My Office
> which didn't fix the problem''.
> In fact, qgis_process-qgis-dev batch file doesn't add apps\gdal-dev\bin
> and apps\proj-dev\bin to the PATH.
> To solve the issue, it seems sufficient to add:
> {{{
> call gdal-dev-py3-env.bat
> }}}
> in qgis_process-qgis-de, after the calls to the other batch files that
> set the environmental variables.
New description:
qgis-dev (3.15.0-15) and all the automatically selected dependencies
installed via OSGeo4W network installer on Windows 10 64 bit.
In the OSGeo4W Shell, executing:
the following error windows appear:
''qgis_process.exe -System Error
The code execution cannot proceed because gdal302.dll was not found.
Reinstalling the program may fix this problem. I did reinstall My Office
which didn't fix the problem.''
''qgis_process.exe -System Error
The code execution cannot proceed because proj_7_2.dll was not found.
Reinstalling the program may fix this problem. I did reinstall My Office
which didn't fix the problem''.
In fact, qgis_process-qgis-dev batch file doesn't add apps\gdal-dev\bin
and apps\proj-dev\bin to the PATH.
To solve the issue, it seems sufficient to add:
call gdal-dev-py3-env.bat
in qgis_process-qgis-de, after the calls to the other batch files that set
the environmental variables.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/ticket/639#comment:1>
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