[OSGeoJapan-discuss] OSGeo中国のSongさん講演+新年会のお知らせ
Daisuke Yoshida
nro2dai @ gmail.com
2009年 1月 29日 (木) 08:51:11 EST
日 時: 2月3日(火)18時半〜
場 所: 大阪駅前第2ビル6階 大阪市大梅田サテライトキャンパス 106教室
参加費: 無料 (新年会は有料です。。)
講演内容: 下記の内容+OSGeo中国の活動について
Using Global Planning for Geospatial Web Service Chaining
With the development of OGC Web Service Program (OWS), WebGIS has
progressed towards a service-oriented paradigm that enables a new way
to distributed geospatial computing. Many applications require
Geo-Processing Workflow (GPW) to take advantage of spatial databases
or computing resources distributed over web based their control or
task. This report presents a dual-layer framework to implement
geo-processing workflow, in which an abstract workflow is defined to
represent a user-specific task flowchart and a concrete workflow is
automatically orchestrated to bind geospatial web services distributed
world wide. Within the framework, we present a tree-coded genetic
algorithm (GA) approach to address optimization problems of
instantiating abstract workflow as concrete one. The algorithm
performance is analyzed through an example and well verified by the
result from Linear Integer Programming (ILP).
OSGeoJapan-discuss メーリングリストの案内