[OSGeoJapan-discuss] [Fwd: [OSM-ja] SOTM2009 へ招待します。 Fwd: [OSM-talk] Nominations for State of the Map Travel Scholarships]

Daniel Kastl orkney @ gmx.de
2009年 5月 7日 (木) 02:33:14 EDT

Jast passing this mail to OSGeo Japan.

Venka, Daniele, or anyone else,

Do you know someone from these countries, who is an active OSM mapper?

* Eastern Europe: the Caucasus, Russia, Bulgaria, Romania.
* Arab States: Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt. Egypt is particularly
interesting, as the ban on GPS units there was recently lifted.
* South Asia: India, Pakistan. While both countries have seen
significant activities, relative to size and population they are in
the very early stages.
* Southeast Asia: Phillipines, Vietnam, Thailand.
* South America: Colombia, Bolivia, Peru. Promising leads in
government for the release of data for use in OSM.
* East Africa: Kenya is a hotspot for mapping right now (Ushahidi,
AgCommons, MapMaker..)
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